Dr Aditi Jain


Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment in Indore

Best Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment in Indore

Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a condition characterized by the breakdown of intervertebral discs in the spine. These discs act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae, but over time, they can degenerate, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

Causes & Symptoms

Degenerative disc disease can develop due to various factors, including:

  • Aging: As we age, the discs in the spine lose water content and elasticity, making them more prone to degeneration.
  • Wear and Tear: Repetitive stress or injuries to the spine can accelerate disc degeneration.
  • Genetics: Some individuals may inherit a predisposition to disc degeneration.

Symptoms of degenerative disc disease may include:

  • Back pain, which may worsen with sitting, bending, lifting, or twisting movements.
  • Pain that radiates to the buttocks, thighs, or legs (if nerve compression occurs).
  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs or feet.
  • Reduced range of motion in the spine.

Our Approach

At our practice, we specialize in the diagnosis and management of degenerative disc disease to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Our approach may include:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Thorough assessment of symptoms, medical history, and physical examination to accurately diagnose degenerative disc disease.
  • Conservative Treatments: Non-surgical interventions such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, epidural steroid injections, or chiropractic care to reduce pain and improve function.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: Advanced techniques such as disc decompression or disc replacement surgery to address severe symptoms and restore spinal function.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Education and guidance on lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, proper body mechanics, and ergonomic adjustments to minimize stress on the spine.

Why Choose Us

  • Expertise: Our team of spine specialists has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating degenerative disc disease using the latest evidence-based techniques.
  • Personalized Care: We tailor treatment plans to each patient’s unique needs, preferences, and goals, ensuring individualized care and optimal outcomes.
  • Compassionate Approach: We prioritize patient comfort, safety, and satisfaction, providing compassionate care and support throughout the treatment journey.
  • Comprehensive Services: From diagnosis to rehabilitation, we offer comprehensive services to address all aspects of degenerative disc disease management under one roof.

Degenerative disc disease is primarily caused by age-related changes in the spine, wear and tear on the intervertebral discs, and genetic factors.

Symptoms may include back pain, pain that radiates to the buttocks or legs, numbness, tingling, weakness, and reduced range of motion in the spine.

Diagnosis typically involves a thorough evaluation, including a review of symptoms, physical examination, and imaging studies such as X-rays, MRI scans, or CT scans to assess the condition of the intervertebral discs and surrounding structures.

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